Monday, July 11, 2011

Getting in the Groove

Jack groaned inwardly.  The only place that had an opening for a job was the local grocery. As a freaking cashier. He exited the window before he could consider it any longer and shut down the dusty, clunky computer. His sharp blue eyes glanced around his dwelling. It was pretty clean, if you didn’t stare at one spot too long. He sucked in a huge breath. Not too bad just a little…
Jack pushed away from the desk and ended up using a little bit more muscle than intended and ended up face down in the atrocity that was his carpet.  “Eeeek!” He raised himself up and spat out carpet and a single moldy jellybean. Pinching his nose, Jack looked around once again. Three weeks since he bought the house, never cleaning anything once. There was some sort of brown gunk on the counter, and rings around the sink. The bathroom was beyond words. A wave of vomit coursed through his throat.
Getting there
“How I have I been living like this?” he pondered while scrubbed, scouring and vacuuming. It was difficult work, Jack’s hands were red and his back ached.     

But within six hours the house was clean and he could breathe easily. He couldn’t help but chuckle a little. Here it was Friday night and he was getting ready to take a nap. There had to be a bar or something around. A good bit of partying would be some great therapy after playing maid all day.
thought he was too, because he could feel those green eyes scanning his face while they danced.
An hour later Jack arrived at the Juice bar. The same charming personality and warm appearance that got him on the front of magazines (oh, and he was the son of a billionaire), turned heads in this little town. He was soon invited over to dance with a small cluster of guys and girls. After a few songs, he was introduced to everyone. Tom, Ben , Alicia, Maria and Angie. They seemed to really like him and he enjoyed their company. Tom and Maria seemed to be the nicest, pulling him in for pictures, giving him everyone’s phone number and including him in conversations. Alicia was hot. And apparently she thought he was too, because he could feel those green eyes scanning his face while they danced. 

Jack and Alicia
By the end of the night Jack was full of juice, tired and the happiest he’d been for a while. He stumbled into bed fully clothed and fell asleep immediately. The sun streamed in through his window and gently woke his. While the coffee brewed Jack staggered out to collect the mail.
“Bills, bills, bills.” He grumbled. Agitated he opened the first white envelop. When his eyes meet the number Jack’s jaw dropped. Recovering quickly, he was at the rust bucket computer in a flash. His fingers flew across the keyboard and within a minute he was set up for an interview at Logan’s All-Natural Market as the new cashier.  

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Gwurgh! (brutish frustration)

Over a week ago I stated my problems with the screenshot how I wouldn't be able to continue until this was fixed. I was told the update would be really soon then. It hasn't been and I cannot continue till it is. But whatever! I'll wait. Angrily yes, but waiting is waiting. The contest ended a while ago. And I got TWO whole followers and I'd only had the blog for like, what, a couple weeks? Don't fear readers! I'm still here! The upside of this whole thing is that I'll get to really improve my story line because I've had more time to work on stuff in advance. Stick around and I think you'll find the story to fare well!

Thanks for reading,


Friday, June 10, 2011

Aww Man!

Hey guys!

I've been having some problemos with the game launcher and screen shots lately, apparently there's an issue with Macs and this stuff. A patch for Mac folk is supposed to be coming out any day according the EA support guy I talked to yesterday. Until the patch comes out, I can't post anymore of the story. As soon as I find the update I'll be right back here. And since I got rewarded with some sweet Sim points for my frustration, I will gift a random Simmer with something worth 100 SP from their wishlist who posts here. Anyone can leave a comment, post your user name and send me a friend request. The gift should come by Monday/Tuesday. If no one comments  at all, I'll cry myself to sleep and find solace in virtual hair.

Happy Simming,

Monday, June 6, 2011

New Beginnings

The little house was silent except for Jack's footsteps on the wood floors. The house was Jack's, his very own. The money that purchased it came from his hard work; not his father's. That made the home ( affectionately called 'The Shack') more visually pleasing to Jack. This was where he started, what he was going to do by himself. No longer would he be cast under his father's shadow. Now Jack was miles away from  Greenedale Inc. and River view. No matter how tempting it was to rush back into the life that was built for him, Jack had a deep down longing for something of his own. And here he was; in a small town, no job to speak of and with a thousand dollars to his name.  Here was the beginning of his adventure, this was the start of his own path.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Hello, Hello, Hey, Hi, How ya doin?

Welcome to my Greenedale story/legacy blog! This blog follows the story of the Greenedale family, starting with Jack Greenedale. I will post bi-weekly (hopefully, if something happens to change that I'll try to communicate) As long as the family continues to grow I will continue to post. If you like the story, leave a comment! If you
don't like it, leave a comment. What ever you do, leave a comment. First post up on Monday!

Thanks for reading,